Polly po-cket

This responsibility is not be be handed over to School Teachers or other 3th Parties but it is the exclusive duty of the Parents because they are solely accountable to God for these duties.
The Prophet said that if we as Parents fail to teach them what is right or wrong, the Children will still come up wrong because our fallen Nature occasioned by our birth is passed down to our offsprings from generation to generation, only the New Birth can make a difference.


71  Not only that, but the oneness between husband and wife was broken. I don't believe there's any marriage can be what it ought to be without a union between husband and wife and God. That's right. They'll bring up children in the world, and make them illegitimates, give them cigarettes, whiskey, play cards in their sight, drink liquor before them. No matter how loyal they are to their marriage vows, that's sexually, that's flesh. But there's a spirit in there, that spirit of a sinner papa and mama, no matter how loyal to their children, will come wrong.

72 Well, you say, "I know men and women that didn't teach their children that, and wasn't Christians." The very thing of not leading them to Christ was the wrongest thing they could ever do besides the other; not to lead them to Christ, see. So you can't have a correct union without it. The fellowship broken.
    62-0211 - Oneness

83 Because, all of us was born by sex, and therefore the life that's in there is of the world, and that life will not stand. It's the thing that's already judged and condemned. You can't patch it up. There is no way to patch it. There is no way to—to smooth it out. There is no way to make it better. It's got to die! That's the only requirement there is. It's got to die.
    63-0901M - Token

835  Then you have to have a certain percent of light to make a shadow. And that's the way it is here. We are both natural and supernatural. This body is subject to death, and was brought forth by a woman, not by nothing but through, not by God, you're a reproduction from Adam and Eve. Be black, white, or whatever you are, you are a production, an offspring from Adam and Eve. That makes your body borned in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies. You're damned and condemned at the beginning of your life, not even—without a chance.

Now, because the spirit that you have come to you by nature, and by nature coming from sexual intercourse, desire by man and woman produces a earthly child. And let that child alone, and don't teach him nothing right, he'll go wrong. Don't teach him neither right nor wrong, he'll take wrong. Because it's his nature to do such.

837  Watch a little old baby, not over higher than that, just get so mad, he'll just… He—he'd wring his hands, and turn red in the face, and hold his breath. Sure. What is it? It's his nature. He got it from his pappy or his mammy, one; she had enough temper to fight a buzz saw, or his daddy. If they didn't, his grandfather or grandmother did. See, it's offspring.

So that makes… You're borned in the world. You come by a nature, and your whole being is black, and smutty, and damned, and cursed and going to hell. That's right.

But when you're borned again, then the Light of God shines down into that soul (Hallelujah); then it's no more a dark valley, but it's a valley with a shadow in it. You may be veiled here with the flesh, and with things known by faith, but there's enough Light in there. And someday that Light and darkness has to separate. And when the light shines, darkness flees. And when we go to be with Christ in that body, darkness and death vanishes, and we burst out into perfect Light. Glory to God. There we are: no more sickness, no more dark mixed with it.
    57-1006 - Questions And Answers On Hebrews #3

78  Listen, you young people today. I don't know whether you come to this church, or where you come, you young boys and girls. Did you realize, the things that you're doing, if there is another generation, your children will be judged for what you do? Haven't you no respect or decency? You girls that's out here wearing these little old shorts and things around, you know, that's reflecting on your daughter. Did you know your grandmammy was a—a flapper, and your mammy a chorus girl, and that's the reason you're a striptease today? It's certainly. What will your children be? Yes, sir. God said He'd visit the iniquity of the parents upon the children and their children, to three and four generations.

79  And did you realize, my brother, every time you do that which is right, that'll be visited on your children?

Look here, let's take Hebrews the 7th chapter. The Bible said, when—when Melchisedec met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the king, and blessed him, and said… Now, Levi, is talking about paying tithes. Said, "Levi had an order from the Lord to receive tithes from his brethren." And Levi who received tithe paid tithe, for he was yet in the loins of Abraham when he met Melchisedec. And Abraham was his great-grandfather. Abraham begot Isaac, Isaac begot Jacob, Jacob begot Levi; Levi, father, grandfather, great-grandfather. And while Levi was in the loins of Abraham, the Bible said he paid tithes to Melchisedec. Hallelujah.

Don't let nobody tell you that any kind of a move in the world can ever interfere with God's great cog; she's moving right on. It was planned back there in the beginning. There ain't a devils or enough devils can interfere with His program.

82  Now, the Bible didn't say potentially he paid it; the Bible said he paid tithes when he was in his great-grandfather's loins. Glory. That's my Lord. Oh, He knowed it even before the world was ever formed. He knowed everything. And in Abraham he paid tithes.

And sister, brother, how can you run out here, and people live and run around with men's wives, and wives breaking up homes, and—and living the way you do, what do you expect another generation to be? Here's what it is: it's become now nothing but just a bunch of illegitimate, messed-up-born bunch of corruption. And there's one thing left for it, and that's the atomic day that we're living in. That's exactly right. We're at the end time.
    58-0927 - Why Are We Not A Denomination?

24 This young boy, Uzziah, that we're speaking of this morning, he was Isaiah's hero. Isaiah, the young prophet in the days of Uzziah, was watching this young fellow, because Uzziah was a great man. He come from a—a fine background. His father and mother, both, were strictly staunch believers in God. And they had raised their boy to serve and to honor God.

25  One of the great lackings of our day today, in America and the rest of the world, is godly parent, to set an influence upon their children. The parents of this day got away from the principles of the Scripture. They went more to the fashions of the world. And the churches did the same thing.
In doing that, we let it loose, and brought the world into the church. And that's the reason we have this great day of… if I say it respectfully here before these young people. The reason we got so many hoods, and so forth, as they call it, and—and bad characters, too much of it is because of the home life that they were influenced by, in their earlier days. I'm still a believer, that, "Bring up a child in the way that it should go, and when it gets old it will not depart from it."
    63-1130B - Influence

101  And then this young generation running around smoking, drinking, and everything, how do you expect another generation to exist? The reason we got sin, the juvenile delinquency now, the reason we got little girls on the street, and little boys is because their mothers and daddies did what they did in the bygone age.

And the reason we still got preachers who will stand for truth, the reason we still got some old fashion girls is because they had old fashion parents back behind them. That's exactly right. We still got preachers that stands uncompromising with any denomination or the Word is because that we had old fashion preachers in the back stood right on the same grounds. Yes.
    58-0928M - The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit

114  And while we have our heads bowed, and I trust our hearts bowed. If you know somewhere that you have disobeyed in your life, know some Scripture, that you know that's Bible teaching that you haven't cooperated with, because something, Hollywood voice made you do something different. Some place that you ministers has found a place in the Bible, that's actually the Truth, but you know your organization would put you out if you taught That, and you know it's absolutely Truth. To you people who take the wrong thing, live the wrong life. You fathers and mothers that's not trying to correct your children, not trying to raise them. You may try your best, and they're going right on worldly anyhow, but you're putting example before them. And if you're not doing it, the Voice of God is speaking to you, "Don't do that."

115 And now with every head bowed and all eyes closed, and may the God of Heaven look down into the hearts of that person that's hungering and finds the place where they're wrong. And with a hand up to God, saying, "Lord, I truly desire for Your Voice to take out all of the unbelief, and all the things that's not like You, and make me what You'd have me to be," would you raise your hands. While you… The Lord bless. God bless you.

116  Then the Bible said, Jesus said, and in spite of all these other voices, "Yet if a man shall hear My Voice." Follow after Him, you're going to get your desire.

117  Lord, time is running out. But the Bible said that, "As many as believed, were baptized." I pray, Heavenly Father, that every one of those that raised their hands in true confession, that the Word of God that they have read, and seen that they been wrong. I never looked at half of them. It's not for me to look, it's for You to look, Lord. You know the motive and objective behind the hand that raised up. Let them, from this very hour, purpose in their heart, "From this day, henceforth, I'll take the Word of God and the Voice of God, and follow It no matter what the price is." And bear in their mind, as they're going, the song of the poet, "Must Jesus bear the cross alone, and all the world go free? No, there's a cross for everyone; there's a cross for me. And this consecrated cross I'll bear, until death shall set me free." Then when the Voice of God speaks, "I'll come forth in His righteousness, for I have followed His Voice, the Voice of His Word." I commit them to You now, Lord, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

    63-0120M - The Voice Of God In This Last Days